Der in San Francisco ansässige professionelle Interface-Designer Todd Hamilton, erstellte dieses neue iWatch Konzept. Es vereint das schlanke Design des Nike FuelBand mit den minimalistischen Interface Behandlungen von Apples iOS-7. Ein Video nach dem Break und Todd erklärt, ein wenig mehr über die Inspiration hinter seinem iWatch Konzept-Design:
“A few months ago Thomas Bogner posted an iWatch mockup on Dribbble that looked like a marriage between a Nike Fuelband and an iPhone. It was an impressive concept that got a lot of people excited including myself. However, it had a major flaw: the orientation of the interface made it impossible to use.
I had some free time over the holidays so I decided to take a stab at the problem and create a more user friendly concept. I wanted to retain a slim form factor like the Fuelband and incorporate familiar UI components from iOS 7. It needed to feel natural on the wrist and look like something Apple would actually produce.”